Wednesday, February 1, 2012

February NaHaiWriMo - Day 1 - A

I had joined NaHaiWriMo in April, 2011. Since then I've steadfastly done a haiku a day, or at least tried to do and though I have taken occasional breaks, I could never stay away for long. It has become almost an addiction. In a good way, of course. I had never posted those haiku on my blog before.They lie scattered somewhere in my folders. But this month being the original haiku writing month, I decided to make an exception, following the example of some of my NaHaiWriMo mates and post them here. That might make them ineligible for publication, but at least I'll be able to keep track of them.
Michael Dylan Welch, the owner of the page, is himself the prompter this month and he has decided to give the prompts alphabetically.

So here we go. The prompt is (A for) "apple".

a slice of the apple pie -
the long queue
at the consulate

1 comment:

Yousei Hime said...

And you've anticipated queue. How ironic. Enjoying sharing and reading. :)