Friday, May 18, 2012

May NaHaiWriMo Part 2

After the base or Root chakra, we come to the sacral chakra.
And the prompts for the next four days were:

5. sea/ any body of water


7. intimacy

8. orange

To quote Sheila Windsor, "With 'ruby' we completed the first and with water we move to the second level. We've connected with earth/roots and we've let go of old stuff/recycled.
Now we're ready to 'go with the flow'.

These are what i came up with:

May 5 (sea)

the same sea
so much bluer--
twenty summers back

May 6 (fear)

cliff edge--
the pallor
in the aspen

May 7 (intimacy)

tug of waves
his hands
around my waist

May 8 (orange)

Sorry, submitted for publication

Next is the Solar plexus chakra.

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